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Griffin James Hillabrand Milk & Nutrition Lab

On April 11, 2023, the Griffin James Hillabrand Milk and Nutrition Lab opened its doors at Ebeid

Children’s Hospital. This state of the art milk lab provides a dedicated, safe environment for preparing

and dispensing breast milk and formula feedings for the babies in the NICU, as well as the inpatient

pediatric departments. Operating daily from 9am to 5pm, the milk lab has prepared over 103,000

feedings! A dedicated team of milk technicians staffs the milk lab, which allows nurses at the bedside

more time for patient interactions during their shifts. The milk lab also features a breast milk analyzer,

which allows for individualized fortification of feedings for each baby.

Aside from the milk lab, the Hillabrand NICU has acquired the capabilities of Fiberoptic Endoscopic

Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) and Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS). This equipment is available at

the bedside for our tiniest patients, instead of transporting them throughout the hospital for procedures.

Multiple breast pumps and feeding pumps were updated throughout the NICU patient rooms, further

supporting our NICU in having the best equipment available for NICU mothers and their babies.

Infant T-piece resuscitators, called NeoPuffs, were purchased and installed at all 72 bedsides in the

Hillabrand NICU. The NeoPuffs replaced our bag/mask devices with improved technology that ensures

NICU Team provides the most efficient and controlled delivery of assisted respiratory breaths, should

the need arise.

Most recently, a discharge photo opportunity is now a feature in our Hillabrand NICU. Upon discharge,

families proudly pose with their NICU graduate on their way out of the NICU for the last time.

Looking into 2024, the Hillabrand NICU will be adding a brand new, state of the art incubator for

neonatal transports. This incubator will feature an option for therapeutic hypothermia, which will aide in

the care of our most critical patients.

We can't wait to see what else Griffin's Foundation can do!

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